Hurricane Harvey Relief
As local Houston residents and business owners we feel compelled to help our neighbors in need. We've settled our personal situations and we're ready to act! Please join us as we go out into our surrounding areas to provide immediate aid to those that NEED HELP RIGHT NOW! We are collecting supplies and personally distributing them to as many local churches, shelters, and families in need as we can reach!
The more help we get the more people we can reach.
Share the link and help us help Houston RIGHT NOW!
Want to know how you can help?
Helping locally:
Local small businesses please partner with us! Leave your contact info below and let's extend our reach.
Good samaritans please donate the basic essentials your neighbors need (bottled water, non-perishable foods, warm blankets, toiletries, and basic first aid items). Leave your contact info below if you need help finding places to buy goods or where to take them.
Helping from afar:
Please donate money. Our current goal is $5,000.00, but any amount will help!
Send prayers. With so many people losing everything in the storm faith is all we have left.
We will use 100% of the proceeds to help as many Hurricane Harvey victims as we can.
Thank You!
Please leave your info below​